One thing is certain during these uncertain times: everyone has an opinion – and often these opinions are in contradiction with the opinions of others. Since the church exists to worship God in unity we are endeavoring to navigate these volatile times graciously in a way that strengthens the body of Christ and builds unity.
What steps are we taking?
1. Arranging rooms to promote social distancing
2. Making hand sanitizer available
3. Monitoring CDC and other government recommendations/mandates
4. Taking extra steps to sanitize frequently touched surfaces
Are masks required?
We ask each of our members to keep up with and follow the guidelines/mandates of our state leaders and health departments. It is not our job as a church to regulate those who attend our services but rather to love and respect each other – even when we have areas of disagreement. God says “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” Listen to your conscience and love those who come to different conclusions that you.
Show love to others by:
1. Respecting the opinions of others.
2. Being sensitive to the opinions of others, understanding that they have arrived at those opinions for a reason.
3. Staying home if you are sick.
4. Respecting the personal space of others – maintain social distancing.